5.5. Example - Unshaded Bar Chart

This is the same example as Example 5.4, “Bar Chart” except shading has been turned off. Instead we get flat rectangles with borders for the bars.

Example 5.5. Bar Chart - Unshaded

Unshaded Bar Chart Example
# PHPlot Example: Bar chart, 3 data sets, unshaded
require_once 'phplot.php';

$data = array(
  array('Jan', 40, 2, 4), array('Feb', 30, 3, 4), array('Mar', 20, 4, 4),
  array('Apr', 10, 5, 4), array('May',  3, 6, 4), array('Jun',  7, 7, 4),
  array('Jul', 10, 8, 4), array('Aug', 15, 9, 4), array('Sep', 20, 5, 4),
  array('Oct', 18, 4, 4), array('Nov', 16, 7, 4), array('Dec', 14, 3, 4),

$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);


# Main plot title:
$plot->SetTitle('Unshaded Bar Chart with 3 Data Sets');

# No 3-D shading of the bars:

# Make a legend for the 3 data sets plotted:
$plot->SetLegend(array('Engineering', 'Manufacturing', 'Administration'));

# Turn off X tick labels and ticks because they don't apply here:


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